HNS Policy
Informed consent should be obtained prior to the beginning of any treatment.
HNS requires written evidence the physician obtained the patient's consent to treat prior to the beginning of treatment.
Providers shall obtain new consent when presented with a new condition that was not addressed when the previous consent was obtained.
If the HNS Informed Consent form is not used, a similar form that specifically addresses the treatment to be provided and the specific risks discussed with the patient must be used. Written consent by a parent or legal guardian is required for minors or patients who are incapacitated. The form must be dated and signed by the patient (or legal guardian) and maintained as part of the health care record.
To obtain informed consent, it is crucial to understand the meaning. Simply put, when there is risk of harm from a proposed treatment, providers have a responsibility to assure the risk is disclosed, understood, and accepted by the patient.
Informed consent is a process, not a form, and involves making sure the patient understands the proposed treatment, the risks of the proposed treatment, and agrees to accept both.
To assure an appropriate level of patient understanding, the process should involve discussion and should always include an opportunity for the patient to ask questions.
The Informed Consent Form is available on this website under the tab "HNS Forms" in Microsoft Word.