tracelogoRBInformation about HNS Fee Schedules

















The most current HNS Fee Schedules are posted on the secure section of
the website.  As a reminder, you will need your username and password to
access this section of the website.


HNS will send a notification to all contracted physicians when a new fee
schedule has been negotiated.  The announcement will include the effective
date of the fee schedule.


If you have not yet registered your email address with HNS, please do so
in order to ensure you receive important updates and notifications.


To register your email address, log on to the Secure HNS Portal, and
under Current Account Info, 
add or edit desired address(es).


Helpful Hints & Tips:

The services listed on the fee schedules represent those services for which
HNS has negotiated a specific fee.


The inclusion of a specific service or code on a fee schedule does not
indicate the service is necessarily a covered service under a member's
plan.  (Always verify benefits prior to providing the service.)


With the exception of CIGNA Healthcare's fee schedule, the exclusion
of a specific service or code from a fee schedule does not indicate the
service will not be covered.  (Again, always verify benefits before providing
the service.)


Important note about CIGNA:

CIGNA Healthcare will only pay for the specific services listed on
the fee schedule.  If the physician recommends a service NOT
listed on the CIGNA fee schedule, it should be treated as a
"non-covered" service.  As such, you must obtain a signed waiver
from the patient prior to providing the service, and the signed
waiver must be maintained in the patient's health care record.


Routinely check your EOBs to make sure the contracted amount is the
same as the amount shown on the fee schedule, and notify your HNS
Service Representative if a discrepancy is found.


All providers should have an established fee schedule for all services
he/she provides.  It is never appropriate to use the HNS contracted fees
as the provider's fee schedule.  The difference between the provider's charge
and the contracted fee cannot be charged to the member and must not be
reflected on a patient's account as an amount due from the patient
.  When
EOBs are received and information from the EOBs are posted to a patient's
account, those amounts must be written off as uncollectible.


Contact your HNS Service Representative with any questions regarding
the HNS Fee Schedules.