HNS Policy
Open and ongoing communication between HNS and its contracted health care professionals is essential to the success of the HNS network.
In order to fulfill HNS' responsibilities to our contracted health care professionals and contracted health care plans, HNS must be able to reach contracted health care professionals.
When HNS attempts to contact a contracted health care professional, via telephone or email, the contracted health care professional shall respond and shall do so in a timely manner.
HNS communicates important information to our providers primarily via email and the Current News section of this website.
Our primary method of communicating important information is via email. For this reason, HNS requires all providers to register an email address with HNS and to promptly update the registered email address if the address changes. (Changes to an email address may be made via the Current Account Info section of HNSConnect®.)
Because HNS uses email as its primary method of communication, providers must ensure that HNS' email address is not blocked.
Emails from HNS may include PHI or other privileged, confidential information. Emails sent by HNS which include confidential information are intended solely for the individual provider who registered the address with HNS.
By registering an email address with HNS that is shared with others, you are expressly authorizing HNS to share confidential information intended solely for you, with those individuals with whom the email address is shared.
Current News:
Providers should check the Current News section of this website often for new updates and important notifications.
Notify HNS of Changes:
To ensure the accuracy of the information published in payor and HNS provider directories, providers must promptly notify HNS of any changes to address, email address, telephone number, or fax numbers.