Boiler Makers | (866) 342-6555 | |
MVP | (888) 687-6277 | |
MVP Kodak | (800) 999-3920 | |
MVP Preferred Care | (888) 581-8030 | |
Health Partners | (800) 444-4558 | |
APWU | (800) 222-2798 | |
Samba | (800) 638-6589 | |
NALC | (888) 636-6252 | |
Starbridge Select | (800) 308-5948 | |
Aftra | (800) 562-4690 | |
FDA (JCP) | (866) 337-8417 | |
American Maritime Officers | (800) 348-6515 | |
Plumbers & Pipefitters | (800) 842-5899 | |
Seafarers Health & Benefit Plan | (800) 252-4674 | |
Sheet Metal Workers | (615) 859-0131 | |
Tufts Health Plan | (888) 884-2404 | |
Priority Health | (800) 956-1954 |
You may also verify eligibility and benefits on the Cigna for HealthCare Professionals website, www.Cignaforhcp.com. If you do not already have a username and password, please contact your HNS Service Representative and we will gladly assist you. Your HNS Service Representative's email address is displayed on the provider dashboard on the secure section of the HNS website.
Most Cigna plans are direct access plans, and referrals from PCPs or prior authorization are not normally necessary. However, there may be a few self-funded plans that require a referral or prior authorization so always ask when verifying benefits.
When it is necessary to refer to another health care provider, referrals within the network are required unless there are no participating Cigna providers in the area where the patient is being referred.
ALL Orthotics must be referred to Linkia, please CLICK HERE for instructions on how to refer a patient to Linkia.
ALL DME purchases must be referred to CareCentrix, please CLICK HERE for instructions.
Primary claims for ALL Cigna plans must be filed to HNS through HNSConnect® with the exception of the Cigna Indemnity plan and some of the Third Party Administrators.
For Cigna claims filed through HNS, please note the following:
If the patient needs pre-certification, the pre-certification requirement is shown on the back of the ID card as either "Inpatient Admission" or "Inpatient Admission and Outpatient Procedures." For chiropractic, if it states "Inpatient Admission and Outpatient Procedures," please make sure when verifying eligibility and benefits that chiropractic does not need pre-certification on ANY services to be rendered on the patient.
The "Away from Home" logo indicates member has access to the Cigna National Network.
ID cards with the Cigna Care Network logo indicate the member liability varies based on the provider's Cigna Care Network designation.
NOTE: Cigna CARE PLAN - Because chiropractic is not currently one of the specialties included in the "Cigna CARE NETWORK", HNS providers are not 'in-network' for the Cigna CARE PLAN.
If you are uncertain about where to file the claim, please email your HNS Service Representative a clear, legible copy of the member ID card and we will respond back to you with an answer within 24 hours. Your HNS Service Representative's email address is displayed on the provider dashboard on the secure section of the HNS website.
All claims for Cigna must be submitted to HNS. Minus the exceptions listed below, Cigna claims should be filed electronically via HNSConnect® or Office Ally™.
Exceptions: Secondary claims, tertiary claims, corrected/voided secondary claims, corrected/voided tertiary claims, claims with attachments, and some of the Third Party Administration (TPA) claims. Some Cigna TPA claims come to HNS electronically and some must be mailed to us on paper CMS 1500 claim forms. Please see below to identify which Cigna TPA claims are submitted to HNS by mail (on CMS 1500 claim forms).
All primary claims must be filed to HNS within 30 days from the date of service.
CLICK HERE for information on filing secondary claims.
CLICK HERE for information on filing corrected claims.
Please ignore any instructions regarding where to submit claims by payor phone representatives! HNS instructions regarding where to submit claims supersede all other instructions given by payor representatives when verifying eligibility and benefits.
In order for Cigna HealthCare claims to adjudicate quickly and accurately, please note the following information regarding claims submission specific to Cigna HealthCare.
Group or Policy number must be in box 11 (often called "Account #" on Cigna ID card).
Claims must be identified in box 11c as "Cigna".
Box 17, referring provider, must be left blank on all Cigna HealthCare claims.
All Cigna TPA claims must be submitted electronically through HNSConnect®.
Exception: The following Cigna TPA claims must be submitted to HNS on CMS 1500 claim forms and mailed to the HNS address.
The name of the TPA must be on the claim form in BOTH boxes 11 and 11c.
Alliance Health & Life
APWU Health Plan
**only submit by paper if there are attachments** -
ASR Health Benefits
Health Partners
MVP Kodak
MVP Preferred Care
Priority Health
Tufts Health Plan
(Claim must be submitted using an original red and white CMS 1500 Form)
When filing traditional claims electronically, the claim must be identified as a Cigna claim in the address section at the top of the form using the example address below:
PO Box 2368
Cornelius, NC 28031
For tracing Cigna claims:
You may check the status of your claims using the Cigna for HealthCare Professionals website, www.Cignaforhcp.com.
Resubmit lost/missing claims through HNS.
Contact your HNS Service Representative if you have any questions relating to the adjudication of your Cigna claims. Your HNS Service Representative's email address is displayed on the provider dashboard on the secure section of the HNS website.
Questions relating to your participation in these Cigna products should be directed to your HNS Service Representative. Your HNS Service Representative's email address is displayed on the provider dashboard on the secure section of the HNS website.