MedCost's Employer Group Listing
MedCost's Physician Reference Guide is a listing of their employer groups, payors and their phone numbers and is available monthly on the Internet.
The MedCost Physician Reference Guide is available on MedCost's secure website. The Reference Guide is an excellent tool to obtain information about companies that access the MedCost network. This information includes the employer name, employer group number, the claim administrator, and payor phone numbers.
The guide also has the necessary information for properly completing boxes 11 on the CMS 1500 claim form. The Reference Guide is updated and available by the fifth business day each month. There is no cost for this service. If you are interested in registering, please CLICK HERE to request a username and password.
Can't find a company in the Physician Reference Guide
or can't determine where to send the claim?
If you have looked in the MedCost Physician Reference Guide and still can’t identify a company/group, please email your HNS Service Representative and include a legible copy of the member ID card to HNS (877) 329-2620. We’ll be happy to investigate and provide you with the proper information.