Reducing Barriers to Care

Effective patient-physician communication is essential to delivering high quality health care. Improving communication between the patient and the physician facilitates better adherence to treatment recommendations, improved health outcomes, and can also help safeguard against potential liability and malpractice claims. Additionally, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) now requires all health care providers to provide language assistance services (both oral and written interpretive services) to their patients. (Please refer to the HNS Compliance Policies for Contracted Health Care Professionals for specific requirements. These policies can be found, both in the HNS Compliance section of this website, and also under HNS / Payor Policies.)
To improve your ability to more effectively interact with patients of different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds, particularly those with limited English speaking skills, HNS has contracted with CyraCom for in-office oral interpretive services.
CyraCom is the largest provider of interpretation services that operates solely in the US, and the 2nd largest provider worldwide. CyraCom services over 2,000 health care clients, including physician offices, health plans and hospitals. The American Hospital Association has exclusively endorsed CyraCom for its interpretation and translation services.
CyraCom offers telephone interpretive
services in over 200 languages and guarantees
an average answer time of 15 seconds
or less across all languages, and also offers
written translation services in most of those
Click here to view the list of more than 200 languages for which CyraCom provides interpretive services.
Services Covered by your HNS Admin Fee:
CyraCom's telephone interpretive service will be provided at no cost to you and will be available using your office telephone. The interpretive services paid for by HNS are limited to those services which are accessed by the provider using his office phone to contact a CyraCom interpreter, via CyraCom's toll-free number. CyraCom offers other great products and services which you may find beneficial, but the costs of those services are not included in HNS' contract with CyraCom and will not be paid for by HNS.
How to Get Started?
For access to free interpretive services through CyraCom, you must first review and sign the following forms.
Please note: You only have to submit these forms once, as part of the initial enrollment process.
Please note: The physician must sign each document.
Please print and complete each of these forms and email both forms to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Note: HNS must receive each of the documents as separate attachments to the email and again, each document must be signed by the physician.